You are currently browsing the daily archive for December 12, 2007.

645am: Spinning

AWESOME class today! Amy taught again and we were dripping in sweat but had a great time.

I didn’t use my gel seat today! Yay! I’m a real spinner.
I also tried out some spin shoes that were in the studio and I kind of liked them, but kind of didn’t…so the jury is out on that!

My next issue is how to keep plugging away and stay working out 4x-6x per week and eating pretty clean over the holidays. I want to surround myself with active/healthy people and friends.

930am: eggs + bacon + coffee

12noon: banana + miso soup + tuna salad sandwich + chips

Treadmill: 48 mins (2.43 miles)

Arm Workout:
Bench Press 75 lbs x 8-12 reps x 3 sets
Tri Pushdowns 60/70 lbs x 10-12 reps x 3 sets
Lat Pulldowns 70lbs x 10-12 reps x 3 sets
Dumbell Bicep Curls (seated) 15lbs x 10-12 x 3 sets
IOWAS x 10lb x 10-15 reps x 3 sets

It has been a rough few weeks with the diet and exercise plan/routine. I hit a plateau, started nibbling more and making poorer choices and was exercising less and this all combined to make for a mental and physical plateau. The results haven’t been matching the effort (or the results that I want to see at least, lol).

I found myself overeating and realized that I was soothing myself! It was weird to be aware of that during the behavior and to realize that it worked for me in the past, but that it isn’t a long-term crutch that I want to revert to anymore.

The good news is that I am AWARE of what is going on with me more than ever before and I also realize that I have still made it to the gym 2-3/wk even in the midst of all of this. I also think that there’s alot more going on than just the weight battle. The weather is dark and cold, cold, cold. I haven’t seen the sun since…? That is hard for me. Also, work is ??? Not bad, but the people are what I love. The nature of what I’m doing isn’t all that engaging/stimulating so I have to push myself to do the details.

I met with my counselor today and we talked through all of this and then some and I came out of there and went home, changed and hit the gym hard. I don’t know why, but I’m just not going to give up. Actually I DO know why. Because I know how I felt when I got back from SAS. I was tired, lethargic, low energy and probably malnourished. I’m healthier today than I was 6, 9, 12 months ago and I don’t want to trade that away. Plus, I know that the laws of nature apply to me and though I can’t see it now, eat less+move more=weight loss, for EVERYONE, including me.

I’m BACK!! (and eating a salad and some soup. lol!)

December 2007